Evaluating the UNESA Internship Program: Assessing Impact and Achievements

  • News
  • December 06 , 2024

On December 6, 2024, SEAMEO CECCEP hosted a visit from lecturers of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) as part of the Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of students participating in the internship program. This activity aimed to assess, monitor, and evaluate the performance of the interns who had been involved with SEAMEO CECCEP for approximately three months.

Hirananda Dimas Pradana, M.Pd., a lecturer of Educational Technology at UNESA, expressed his appreciation to SEAMEO CECCEP for its willingness to accept UNESA students for internships. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration between universities and institutions like SEAMEO CECCEP in preparing students for the professional world.

The Director of SEAMEO CECCEP, Professor Vina Adrianya, Ph.D., stated that the evaluation provided valuable insights for institutional and program development. One critical point raised was the need to enhance the onboarding program for interns, including a more comprehensive introduction to SEAMEO CECCEP's vision, mission, and various programs.

Furthermore, SEAMEO CECCEP committed to improving the quality of its internship program through a more structured approach, such as providing intensive mentoring and opportunities for students to engage in strategic projects. It was hoped that the internship program would serve as a platform for students to develop their competencies while making a tangible contribution to advancing education and child welfare in Indonesia.

This collaboration was expected to continue and create significant benefits for students, institutions, and the wider community. SEAMEO CECCEP was determined to be a partner that supports the development of a competent, creative, and innovative young generation.

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