Celebrating New Beginnings: SEAMEO CECCEP's Joyful and Meaningful Farewell and Welcome Event for Interns

  • News
  • August 05 , 2024

On August 5, 2024, SEAMEO CECCEP held a farewell and welcome event for students who had completed their internship program from January to June 2024. This warm event was attended by various parties involved in the program, making it a memorable and meaningful moment.

The event was attended by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Language and Literature Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Ibu Yanty Wirza, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D., Head of the Non-Formal Education Program at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr. Yanti Shantini, M.Pd., Secretary of the Special Education Program at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Dr. Yoga Budhi Santoso, M.Pd., Principal of SMK Bina Wisata, Dede Budiman, S.Pd., M.Si., and representative teacher from SMK Bina Wisata, Nur Habiben, S.Pd., M.Pd.

The event began with a speech by Dr. Elis Rosdiawati, M.Pd, Deputy Director of Administration (DDA) of SEAMEO CECCEP, who expressed her gratitude to the internship participants for their dedication and hard work. She also apologized for any shortcomings during the internship process.

Next, the Dean of the Faculty of Language and Literature Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Ibu Yanty Wirza, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D., who also served as a field supervisor from the English Language Study Program, gave her high appreciation. She thanked SEAMEO CECCEP for accepting and guiding her students well during the internship period.

The Principal of SMK Bina Pariwisata Lembang, Dede Budiman, S.Pd., M.Si., also attended and delivered a speech. He hoped that SMK students could use this experience to learn and collaborate better in the future.

One of the representatives from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Ms.Safa, a student from the Early Childhood Education program, shared her experiences during the internship at SEAMEO CECCEP. She stated that the internship provided her with various knowledge, particularly in early childhood education. During her internship in the Advocacy and Partnership Division, she gained extensive knowledge, participated in international forums, and learned how to draft policy briefs.

This farewell and welcome event was not only an appreciation ceremony for the internship participants but also a valuable moment to strengthen the relationship between educational institutions and SEAMEO CECCEP. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this internship program!

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