pandemic threatened 577,305,660 students from pre-primary to high school education and 86,034,287 students from higher education worldwide. This makes the government and related institutions in many countries present an alternative educational process for students by teaching distance learning or online learning or learning from home with parental assistance.The implementation of distance and learning from home policies or online learning is a problem for almost all levels of education, especially early childhood education. Early childhood education is closely related to playing, gathering, and interacting with one another. This change is also a dilemma faced by teachers and parents who accompany children while studying from home.In addition, changing ECE learning strategies is an important element that needs to be prepared from now on in order to prepare PAUD learning in the post-pandemic period.
As a regional centre and a part of the government of Indonesia, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care & Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) is aware of those challenges and committed to ensure quality education especially in the early childhood education field specifically the preparation of ECE in post-pandemic era. Therefore, SEAMEO CECCEP is organising an international conference to gather experts from all sectors to collect available best practices on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and parenting education for redefining the ECE learning strategies in the post-pandemic era. This conference also aims to create further discussions among education practitioners in the region.
Teachers and education practitioners from both public and private sectors have been long conducting studies and collecting data on this issue, however not all of them are yet implemented due to limitation of sources and access. This conference will be one of the platforms for them to present their findings and create more comprehensive discussion among SEAMEO CECCEP’s stakeholders on providing what is best for ECE after this COVID-19 comes to an end.