The Collaboration between SEAMEO CECCEP and UNISMA

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) and Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoA) on 27 September 2023 at the SEAMEO CECCEP Office. The signing confirmed the commitment of both institutions to improve the quality of early childhood education (ECE).

The MoA document was signed by the Director of SEAMEO CECCEP, Prof. Vina Adriany, Ph.D. and the Dean of the University of Malang, Drs. H. Anwar Sa'dullah, M.PdI. The signing of this collaboration was witnessed by the Head of divisions, SEAMEO CECCEP staff, and lecturer representatives from UNISMA, including Dr. H. Muhammad Hanief, M.Pd, Deputy Dean for Cooperation and Academic Affairs, Dr. Ika Ratih Sulistiani, M.Pd , Dr. Eko Setiawan, M.Pd, Dr. Mutiara Sari Dewi, M.Pd, Head of ECE Study Program, and Dr. Nur Hasan, M.Ed

This cooperation agreement focused on research and scientific publications in the field of ECE, Elementary School and parenting, and community service in the field of ECE. Organizing training, seminars, symposiums, workshops, international conferences, teaching practitioners, and guided discussions. It is expected that students can also be involved and contribute to internships, field practices, or other activities in the fields of early childhood education, elementary school, and parenting.

In his speech, Drs. H. Anwar Sa'dullah, M.PdI, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at UNISMA, expressed his purpose in visiting SEAMEO CECCEP. In his perception, this collaboration is an important step in advancing early childhood education. We sincerely hope that this collaboration will result in significant positive impacts for educators, and children.

Dr. Mutiara Sari Dewi, M.Pd, Head of the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program, expressed her happiness at being able to work with SEAMEO CECCEP, "We are very excited about this collaboration and believe that together, we can create meaningful change in the world of early childhood education, Mutiara said." Furthermore, UNISMA and SEAMEO CECCEP discussed the follow-up of the programs:

a. Research and Development: Both institutions will collaborate on research and development of innovations in early childhood education, aiming to improve understanding of best practices.

b. Experience Exchange: Students from UNISMA will have the opportunity to join an experience exchange program at SEAMEO CECCEP, a certified internship to expand their knowledge of early childhood education at the international level.

c. Teacher and Educator Training: it is hoped that SEAMEO CECCEP can cooperate in providing training and technical support to teachers and educators at UNISMA to improve the quality of Early Childhood Education development.

Prof. Vina Adriany, Ph.D, Director of SEAMEO CECCEP in her last discussion said that this cooperation will grow like a snowball that rolls bigger and bigger, meaning that over time, there will be more and more programs that can be cooperated. This collaboration is a starting point in a joint effort to improve the quality of early childhood education and care in Southeast Asia and involve more parties in the process of better education for children.

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